Electric Verticiser Hire

A partire da 4€ al giorno

Rental of verticaliser with harness.  Home delivery 25€ +25€ on collection.  The collection and return of aids to the warehouse are Free.

How much does it cost?:

I verticalisers for the elderly and disabled snstruments that help the person with reduced mobility to get into an upright position.

They are also called active lifters. The user is not directly lifted by a sling, but he actively uses it to lift himself up by using his own strength, starting from a sitting position.

It is therefore understood that in order to be able to use this kind of aid, it is necessary for the person to be partly autonomous.

The verticaliser is a valuable aid in the domestic environmentfor the carer, who in this way can make less effort in theaiutare l’assistito nel sollevarsi

The verticaliser for the elderly and disabled is the tool that helps the person with reduced mobility to get into an upright position.

They are also called active lifters. The user is not directly lifted by a sling, but he actively uses it to lift himself up by using his own strength, starting from a sitting position.


Interna max: 87 cm – Esterna max: 100 cm

Max. sagittal verticalisation:

29 cm

Arm length:

81 cm

Maximum legroom:

110 cm


Arm 100 to 180 cm


10.5 cm

Maximum capacity

180 Kg

How does the rental of the verticaliser work? Il processo di noleggio del verticalizzatore è semplice e conveniente. Dopo aver fatto la prenotazione online, vi verrà fornito un preventivo personalizzato in base alle vostre esigenze. Tutti i nostri costi sono incluso di IVA e senza costi aggiuntivi. Una volta confermato il noleggio, organizzeremo la consegna e l’installazione del sollevatore direttamente a casa vostra minimum rental 30 days.

Hire 90 days  price per day: 4,00€
Hire 60 days price per day: 4,50€
Hire 30 days price per day: 6,00€

Rental prices are promotions referring to exclusively to rentals made via our website. The cost of the transport includes home delivery and assembly. 

La delivery is made within 48 hours of the call. Con il noleggio verranno fornite le indicazioni necessarie per poter utilizzare il verticalizzatore  nel modo più efficace e confortevole a casa tua.

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